Directed by John Hillcoat. Nick plays Maynard, a violently deranged prisoner in this excellent Australian movie based in a prison. It is available in Australia and Europe. It's best to ask on the Goodson group about where to find it in the US. The soundtrack album is available, by Nick Cave, Blixa Bargeld and Mick Harvey, with Anita Lane.
Four AVI clips from Ghosts...of the Civil Dead can be downloaded from Cultnet (a Finish site) from the Ghosts.. page. None of them include Nick, however.
This film is difficult to find, but there are some possible contacts. The soundtrack is more readily available.
Found in "Urban Cinefile": TEN YEAR OLD GHOSTS... On it's 10th anniversary, Ghosts... Of the Civil Dead remains one of the most powerful and disturbing film to emerge from Australian filmmakers; director John Hillcoat talks to Andrew L. Urban about his debut feature in our continuing series, Making Of...