Web Links
Other resources available on the Net
Because of Nick's lack of penetration into the US music scene, most fan web pages are located outside the US. These pages will often load slowly, so have patience. All links will open in a new window.
Sites about Nick Cave
- Official Sites
- As of 2004, there the official Nick Cave site:
http://www.nickcaveandthebadseeds.com/. (Maybe they'll stick with it for a while. Previously a number of different .com, .co.uk and .net sites were used.)
- The Cave Inn
- My old Nick Cave site is
available since Erik's stopped updating the AngelInDevilsBoots.com. Erik, are you out there?
- From The Archives
- Facts, Facts, Facts. You've got to check out the in depth information that's
available at Hans' From The Archives. He's done a great job at collecting the details
NC&tBS through 1990. Great stuff.
- NC Collector's Hell
- NCCH is the darling web site of Maurice, quite possibly the most
knowledgeable fan of Nick's activities in the free world. He's stopped
updating the site, but if he leaves it up, it still has a good amount
of information. Erik at Angel In Devil's Boots will be incorporating it
- More Fans
- There are plenty more fan sites available here. If you'd like your
site to be added to this list, please use my
feedback form.
Sites about Bad Seeds
- Bad Seeds Past and Present
- I've developed a page that lists official and unofficial 'home' pages
for some of the Bad Seeds that have seen fit to have them.
Record Label Sites
Other Sites
- PianoTabs.Net
- Finally someone has begun to collect Piano tabs for artists. This site has a few for Nick. To get to them, look under 'C' for Cave.
- Ultimate Band List
The Ultimate Band List has
links to bands, record labels, radio stations, chats and events, record
stores, fanzines, news, and charts. It's organized by artist and the
information can be modified by users.
- The Birthday Party.com
New life for an old band. Yes even a band disbanded for more than a decade has an official web site. It's soon have a shoping facility where people can buy the legendary stuff directly from the band. Gone out like a candle on a birthday cake...
- Mutiny In Heaven
- A great Birthday Party page. This site from Australia has a great
library of information about the Birthday Party, the band Nick was part of
between 1980 and 1983.
- Beautiful Black Wind Webring
- A ring of sites dedicated to artists that portray all aspects of life, not just
the pop culture, rose-colored glasses version.

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